Sunday, October 17, 2010

-Diet but +exercise

ok.Now i'm a bit worried.I know I'm a bit chubby but now I think I'm waaaay too chubby.Just because I was down with my mood.My weight gained!!!Argh.I'm not a diet freak kinda person.But I think my weight during my Matrix or 1st year is quite ideal for me.That will do.At least I could fit into M -normal lady size.not the plus size.I still could fi into normal size shirt but it is XL.haiya..malu ar.Want to go back to M.I'm sort after all.Don't want to look wierdamong my slim n tall friends.I' one of the shortest.huhu.Can't become taler but i don't want to be broader neither.So..i'm exercisng!!!!still can't do th diet thingy.cuz i love food.dun wanna get depress don't i.
i still can't skip my afternon nap.gotta work on maybe I'll sleep earlier so that I might not sleep in the afternoon to coverup my sleep loss..hahahaha..kay wish me luck!!!!Hey i'm just a girl.wanna look attractive too u know..

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

changes should be done.

i'm tired of doing boring indor i'm going outdoor..yeay..barulah seswai dgn jiwaku ni..boring gle ngadap laptop tk tv..wah mcm org pencen je..out you go sal..p tasik n men dgn alat2 exercise yg cnggih manggih tu..pastu nak walk dlu..pastu jog....makin lame makin jauh sy jog..individual jog..pastu leh pinjam beskal utm gak..u cn do it lbhkan air kosong..xelok minum air manis..rase bdan cm malas je..xcm dlu..sal yg active bakal menjelma..siaplah korng..huhuhu..i'm getting myself back!!!!!!
i'm just reverting to the same old me..I hate the boring sal..dok indoor je.that's just not mua..