Sunday, May 2, 2010

another holiday spree...more than 3 months to be exact

phew..what a horrondeous sem it sem will be my 4th year in UTM.
I'll be out in the real world rel soon.been thinking and cracking my head .for the time being I'm not going to plunge into teaching high school students. i might work on somethng else..maybe i'll take a leave or venture into other fields..or maybe even into tertiary level education as I'm not tied with any contracts..huhuhuhu..
for my 3 months holiday, I want to live my life to the my friends..hey guys if u see this..let me know when we could hook up..hahaha..lost some of my friends number..dammit that's ok.maybe xda jodoh..I'll be spending my time with syaf.we'll be going for a jog at taman jubli perak..any espian...come n join us...don't think it'll take off your pounds...we'll just end up snacking after the jog..what matters most is the time I spend with my friends..