Monday, November 23, 2009
yeah3...tmrrow we'll go to malacca...huhuhuhu..owh n my bro's friend...hisyam n zuhdi will b tagging along..imagen those guys...hving fun i genting later'll b a havoc..smetymes i'll join them plying bdminton or video gaming..remind me of those days where i was hvng fun with my buddies..but now evry1 has grown up..thy perfer to do other stuffs..but i still prefer to play teng2,galah panjang,polis entry,konda kondi,bdminton,gaming like there's no tmrow..hehehe..collecting bugs.,.yeah...i remember scaring off grls with dead cockroach..honestly..i freakin hate those damn cockroaches..but bcoz thy're dead n nt mvin tats y i hve the guts to fool around by scaring off others with it..hehehehe..i owiz consider myself as macho cuz i do beat the sunlight off any guys..anyway i'm used to it n thy know not to pick up a fght with me..but now..all they do is disturb me..smetymnes it's ok but smetymes i thnk it's just too annoying...that's y i rather b alone..huhuhu..owh as usual i wrote smethng out of the topic..but just smethng that i felt realated to..hehehehe..that's me..well...sayonara...happy holiday..hohohohohoho...
farewell Miao2...
today...24th November mom asked me,aiman,zuhdi n hisyam to place Miao2 smewhere's a long story...i dunno how Miao2 thought we were its cme to our house evryday n we played n feed it like it was ours..i deeply missed Miao2 so2's like a friend to me...i felt happy when it's around..but Miao2 gve birt to 4 lil kittens n tried to enter our house several mom is afraid of cats..huhuhuhu..but she did took cre of it by whipping up smethng fr i to feed on..we placed Miao2 near SKPJ area infront of smeone's house..we hope that Miao2 n its 4 lil kittens will b safe there..I wosh i cud keep a pet but i hve tough luck..i cnt...but..well2..even in utm i hve my very own pets..i think almost all cats are my pets..hehehehe...Neng has grown old though..i'm applying to stay at KDSE nxt sem..hope i'll find mre cats or kittens there to accompany friends as well..eventhough i felt like i dun wanna go bck to utm but..i missed my friends n my lecturers..i'm gonna meet up with Puan Tina to tell her bout my practical experiences...she's my idol..i want to b like her...n i adore her books collection..she owiz share her books with us along with her great ideas..sme of her books cudnt b found anywhere...she hd her friends fr oversea to search fr tooks years to search fr the significant book..i believe that if u hv passion fr smethng,..waitng it fr yrs is a satisfaction when u get what u want..she told me that i remind her of her when she's studying..we work really hard fr anythng but we din bother bout the's the experience whch is precious...i wish i could change Malaysia's stereotype thnking..that grades are's homework fr stdnts but..thy really hve to work evrythng out in school...
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
ow i just cme bck fr word...prostitution..omg..i dunno what to say...hate to admit it..i dun like phuket anymre..been there once in the yr as nce thou...the beach..but this tyme..ow the bit#$s..there were also mat salleh that went eyes almost fell out of its socket..haiya..ths is the last visit to phuket..nxt stop myb hong kong or australia...Bali???no i dun thnk so...ow i hd been to hong kong once in the yr 2001...but dring tat tyme there was no Disneyland..lookin frwrd to go there..heheheh..but it's hard to find halal food..there are exotic food thou..cre fr a rat rum..huhuhuhu..u shud really watch out when u pass by the hwkers..feast ur eyes on the exotic mkes me wanna puke..n poor little critters thou...
PS:as fr my honeymoon...i have ROme or Italy on my mind..the reason y i chose these plces are bcoz of their historical buildng n arts...their architecture r splendid too...better sve sme money...
PS:as fr my honeymoon...i have ROme or Italy on my mind..the reason y i chose these plces are bcoz of their historical buildng n arts...their architecture r splendid too...better sve sme money...
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
my teaching practical in general

i'd just browse through my previous post..
hell yeah i trembled on my frst day..Abu noticed it..menyibuk je,...
i lied to him n said that i havent had my breakfst,..that fella ask me to hve lunch with him but i decline...mcm pak cik jer...he's one of my closest companion in that school n he distrbed me evrtyme he met me...
i like him a lot and pity him..i hit,pinch,shouted at him mre than any1 else..sape suruh nakal n usik cgu sgat...he smetymes offer me food..i thnk tat he's concern with my trembling cuz he owiz shout to me if we're far apart like..."cgu...cgu dah makan?"..aioy embarassing..sume org tgok sy....well2 all well ends well..
my stdnts improved their english started out tat thy wnted to impress me n thy really crave fr my took a long tyme b4 thy develope to love english intrinsically...i owiz tell them the top that up...i'll tell them i love them...thy really appreciate it..on the last day,i ntce that Abu cried...he was stnding outsde of the class..n i mmg mati akal..dunno what to persuade him to take a pic with me...he was happy fr a while..pastu he cries n sit besides was emotional...he gve excuse that his eyes is watery bcoz of refction...n it was dark r adorable...
im happy that many of my stdnts told me that i inspired them..i'm close to them tat their families knew me too....i miss thm badly n trying hard not to cry but i'm just human...ok u up next sem..this is an order..hehehehe..
ps:i cn imagen them saying...yes boss with their hands gving me a salute..tats what they did..hehehehehe...childish...
Sunday, August 23, 2009
my teaching practical experiences am i going to start it..
okay..i'll start it wit the first day of hand trembles...students notice tat..
sme of them comfort me to be calm..the class was like a jungle...thy were jumping,running in n out of the class...smetmes many of them went missing..
a guy student even snatch the books tat i was collecting n he ask me to take it away fr him..he hid it behind him..i had to chase him..the guy students were so naughty n cheeky..i almost cried.
they call me sayang,dear n many more..i just wana quit..not to say i was always caught in a middle of a fight..i mean 3, it's hard..
but now they r cool..
ya teenagers..they cud be restless n thy just cnt sit quiet fr a sec..i had to cme out wit a lot of games n activities too keep them busy n it works..
i,m flattered that many students knw me..even form 3 teachng form 4 stdnts..
i admit tat im still chldish n u cn caught me chit chatting about games,songs,love n even their probs..
some of the studnts reveal their deepest n darkest secret too me n i was astonished..god bless tat studnt..i advice him a lot...n he just smile..i don't know tat guys cud be tat open to a secret keeper n i even back up fr my stdnts..
thy get into troubles n thy r very rebellious too.
but deep dwn inside thy r just a child n i wasnt expected tat thy will feel touch by my advce..these r the experiences tat i wont frget...n im also their ustazah,math n scince teacher..hehehehe..i teach them other thngs secretly...especially on religion..thy refr to me fr any religious inquiries..
i hope tat after my practical, they will chnge into a good n civilize citizens..
they r just thnk of it..i felt bad tat i almost gave up on them..
they r the best n it's been a while since i laugh..hehehehee.n most of all..i dont like male accompanies n ths experience seems to open me up to guys.they r not tat bad..i had sme traumatic experiences tat makes me avoid guys..but now i cn approach them...students la..i enjoy chatting wit them..ths might not seem appropriate but my stdnts learn a lot fr vocabs n info..i learn a lot fr them too..tat is not to look dwn on such a peacock smetmes...i was relly depress fr all this while...too many pressure..mind my language...i just write evrythng out n i know it wont seem's just the way i express myself..
okay..i'll start it wit the first day of hand trembles...students notice tat..
sme of them comfort me to be calm..the class was like a jungle...thy were jumping,running in n out of the class...smetmes many of them went missing..
a guy student even snatch the books tat i was collecting n he ask me to take it away fr him..he hid it behind him..i had to chase him..the guy students were so naughty n cheeky..i almost cried.
they call me sayang,dear n many more..i just wana quit..not to say i was always caught in a middle of a fight..i mean 3, it's hard..
but now they r cool..
ya teenagers..they cud be restless n thy just cnt sit quiet fr a sec..i had to cme out wit a lot of games n activities too keep them busy n it works..
i,m flattered that many students knw me..even form 3 teachng form 4 stdnts..
i admit tat im still chldish n u cn caught me chit chatting about games,songs,love n even their probs..
some of the studnts reveal their deepest n darkest secret too me n i was astonished..god bless tat studnt..i advice him a lot...n he just smile..i don't know tat guys cud be tat open to a secret keeper n i even back up fr my stdnts..
thy get into troubles n thy r very rebellious too.
but deep dwn inside thy r just a child n i wasnt expected tat thy will feel touch by my advce..these r the experiences tat i wont frget...n im also their ustazah,math n scince teacher..hehehehe..i teach them other thngs secretly...especially on religion..thy refr to me fr any religious inquiries..
i hope tat after my practical, they will chnge into a good n civilize citizens..
they r just thnk of it..i felt bad tat i almost gave up on them..
they r the best n it's been a while since i laugh..hehehehee.n most of all..i dont like male accompanies n ths experience seems to open me up to guys.they r not tat bad..i had sme traumatic experiences tat makes me avoid guys..but now i cn approach them...students la..i enjoy chatting wit them..ths might not seem appropriate but my stdnts learn a lot fr vocabs n info..i learn a lot fr them too..tat is not to look dwn on such a peacock smetmes...i was relly depress fr all this while...too many pressure..mind my language...i just write evrythng out n i know it wont seem's just the way i express myself..
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
my future teachng practice
next sem will b my teachng practical...
i'm excited n at the same tyme scared..better brush up on my grammar n all these short form..
fr the timebeing i'll write it my way..hahaha..
i'm excited to go bck to school but in johore la..during school days i was somewhat dull
n mybe ok smetymes with my buddies...miss the old days...
i got a feeling tat it'll b smethng excitng n i'll take all the challenges thrown to me..
i 'll try to b a good teacher n i hope that thy'll like me...
now my prob is tat i dun hve baju call telian eh..i wore t shrt n jeans most of the tyme..
nw i'm struggling to collect baju kurung fr my practical...
thnx god i dun hv to wear heals or i'll make a fool of myself falling infront of my students..
gosh i'll b teachng secondary school students...i use to outsmart my practical teacher during my school days..wat goes around cmes bck around...i love to ask questions to test them n i thnk i mght experience it..if not..then, alhamdulillah...hehehehe..
well wish me luck...i'm getting myself mentally n phsically ready fr the practical...
i'm excited n at the same tyme scared..better brush up on my grammar n all these short form..
fr the timebeing i'll write it my way..hahaha..
i'm excited to go bck to school but in johore la..during school days i was somewhat dull
n mybe ok smetymes with my buddies...miss the old days...
i got a feeling tat it'll b smethng excitng n i'll take all the challenges thrown to me..
i 'll try to b a good teacher n i hope that thy'll like me...
now my prob is tat i dun hve baju call telian eh..i wore t shrt n jeans most of the tyme..
nw i'm struggling to collect baju kurung fr my practical...
thnx god i dun hv to wear heals or i'll make a fool of myself falling infront of my students..
gosh i'll b teachng secondary school students...i use to outsmart my practical teacher during my school days..wat goes around cmes bck around...i love to ask questions to test them n i thnk i mght experience it..if not..then, alhamdulillah...hehehehe..
well wish me luck...i'm getting myself mentally n phsically ready fr the practical...
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
turning a new leaf
alhamdulillah..after few weeks of depressions which I kind of cast myself as far as i cud get fr the society..i didn't go online nor did i bother to top up my creds smetmes...
i made up my mind after 7 yrs of devotion to a guy who will never knew my feelings n i bet he still thnks i hate him by the wy i treated him n oso others...
let me tell u guys bout my life fr the past few years...
ever since i was a little girl i always get bullied n a target cuz i was diffrnt..i look diff,speaks wit a weird accent..dun blame me...i'm just a child..those tormented yrs i'd been thru..i wasnt sme girls will shove me n poke my head...i was an was a chnging point wen my academic achievements escalated..i have friends..n smehw i bcme quite abusive..i wanted to win n i wont bck out..people still disturb me cuz i thnk cuz i'm schema or sme sort..owiz givng others a piece of my mind..heheheh..even i uni sme even col me mak nenek..mak cik..mak cmua..i learn fr the best..hehehehe..n he's a happiest moment is when i step into 2B..tat was a high achiever class...i felt like i was accepted..eventhou smetmes there will b quarels..i dun thnk any1 remember me thou..i wasnt that friendly bck then but i get involve n commited as a memeber oif the class n proud of them..if they only usual my academic level was ok..sme competition n owiz get beat by the same guy over n over again in was fun...i love competition n tats hw i get all suit up n stuff..but then those spirit just fade away..even now i dun think i hv the spirit i did during my school days..all the sufferings did me rght..em i cn say i alwys get my frst matrix choice n oso uni...n my major..i have it all..attentions..sme luxury life i'm living..i get what i want...n i earn it fr my hardwork...all number 1.....tats my fav evrythng...but i'm a loser n my love life..number 1 loser..i'd been thnking tat i had to stoop up n build my life again fr scratch n this time i'm going to do it rght..strting of by frgetting the frst person i admired n i mention him most of the time in my post..well i cn try to frget him but i'll still practice n cherish the good values in him..he's a mischiveous boy u know...boys will b i dun mind at all..i dun like people judging tat i started to throw away my prejudice twards boys tat they r jerks..not all of them r..but i know i wont find another guy like him..ever..this post is dedicated to u...wherever u r..hope u r living a good life...i'll pray fr a good boy..hehehehe..dun b cheeky cuz smetmes u act tat way....
i made up my mind after 7 yrs of devotion to a guy who will never knew my feelings n i bet he still thnks i hate him by the wy i treated him n oso others...
let me tell u guys bout my life fr the past few years...
ever since i was a little girl i always get bullied n a target cuz i was diffrnt..i look diff,speaks wit a weird accent..dun blame me...i'm just a child..those tormented yrs i'd been thru..i wasnt sme girls will shove me n poke my head...i was an was a chnging point wen my academic achievements escalated..i have friends..n smehw i bcme quite abusive..i wanted to win n i wont bck out..people still disturb me cuz i thnk cuz i'm schema or sme sort..owiz givng others a piece of my mind..heheheh..even i uni sme even col me mak nenek..mak cik..mak cmua..i learn fr the best..hehehehe..n he's a happiest moment is when i step into 2B..tat was a high achiever class...i felt like i was accepted..eventhou smetmes there will b quarels..i dun thnk any1 remember me thou..i wasnt that friendly bck then but i get involve n commited as a memeber oif the class n proud of them..if they only usual my academic level was ok..sme competition n owiz get beat by the same guy over n over again in was fun...i love competition n tats hw i get all suit up n stuff..but then those spirit just fade away..even now i dun think i hv the spirit i did during my school days..all the sufferings did me rght..em i cn say i alwys get my frst matrix choice n oso uni...n my major..i have it all..attentions..sme luxury life i'm living..i get what i want...n i earn it fr my hardwork...all number 1.....tats my fav evrythng...but i'm a loser n my love life..number 1 loser..i'd been thnking tat i had to stoop up n build my life again fr scratch n this time i'm going to do it rght..strting of by frgetting the frst person i admired n i mention him most of the time in my post..well i cn try to frget him but i'll still practice n cherish the good values in him..he's a mischiveous boy u know...boys will b i dun mind at all..i dun like people judging tat i started to throw away my prejudice twards boys tat they r jerks..not all of them r..but i know i wont find another guy like him..ever..this post is dedicated to u...wherever u r..hope u r living a good life...i'll pray fr a good boy..hehehehe..dun b cheeky cuz smetmes u act tat way....
Friday, April 17, 2009
smethng tat i cn think about...
sorry guys..the wifi sux..i'm writng this in a rush..
frst of all..thnx farah...i nver knew tat i inspired u to write a story bout my life...
interesting eh...hehehehe..cnt wait fr the outcomes..just dun write some of the sad one k...
or i'll cry..hehehehe...em..siriusly..mybe i'll write my version...there must b different point of view fr me n u..
oh jgan lupe..tmbah2..nt org bole detect..die..hehhehe..i thnk nvermindla..evry1 is matured enough...
oh well i cnt wait to read it..this is fr u farah.....
u love using yusuf's name..hehehe..hensem kan...bole je..hati kene hensem gak..tats wats matter..
er ur so brave telling bout ur feelings in ur blog..i wana do it too...but dun hve the courage..but hell yeah i'm just like u..talking bout tat guy 24-7 cm xda laki len kat dunia ni....
fell head over heels n hopelessly in love..
i was so2 stuppid tat i fake my fall ta 1 tme i bump my head real hard..tat wasnt according to hurts n i was xpe..hero ada..i just shoo him away as usual..but he notice me...tats wat i want..tu je...not more..
my feelings twards him is a mixture of love,inferior,respect,sympathy,inspiration n etc...byak sgat..huhuhuhuuu..he was my evrything n he chnge my view twards guy..i owiz thnk guys r jerk but he chnge me...tats y i said my love twards him was base on respect....
aku tabik spring kat die n i was so touch tat i almost cry..siriusly..he's sincere..i wana b like him..but y do i felt hurt evrytme i try to b like him..
oh well i'm livng in his shadow..siriusly sme of my attitude is just like him..strted out imitating him..i chnge myself so i cn feel wat he felt n it's just a part of me rght i cnt really throw him away fr my thoughts...but hey..he made me strong..hanyya allah yg tau hw i felt..i did regret knowong tat guy n tot i shud go to boarding skul je dulu but i stay at tat skul...he chnge me...i will gve the whole world to him n stay true but wei....smapi bile...i'm still trying..n smetimes i do thnk of him a lot..miss him.......
frst of all..thnx farah...i nver knew tat i inspired u to write a story bout my life...
interesting eh...hehehehe..cnt wait fr the outcomes..just dun write some of the sad one k...
or i'll cry..hehehehe...em..siriusly..mybe i'll write my version...there must b different point of view fr me n u..
oh jgan lupe..tmbah2..nt org bole detect..die..hehhehe..i thnk nvermindla..evry1 is matured enough...
oh well i cnt wait to read it..this is fr u farah.....
u love using yusuf's name..hehehe..hensem kan...bole je..hati kene hensem gak..tats wats matter..
er ur so brave telling bout ur feelings in ur blog..i wana do it too...but dun hve the courage..but hell yeah i'm just like u..talking bout tat guy 24-7 cm xda laki len kat dunia ni....
fell head over heels n hopelessly in love..
i was so2 stuppid tat i fake my fall ta 1 tme i bump my head real hard..tat wasnt according to hurts n i was xpe..hero ada..i just shoo him away as usual..but he notice me...tats wat i want..tu je...not more..
my feelings twards him is a mixture of love,inferior,respect,sympathy,inspiration n etc...byak sgat..huhuhuhuuu..he was my evrything n he chnge my view twards guy..i owiz thnk guys r jerk but he chnge me...tats y i said my love twards him was base on respect....
aku tabik spring kat die n i was so touch tat i almost cry..siriusly..he's sincere..i wana b like him..but y do i felt hurt evrytme i try to b like him..
oh well i'm livng in his shadow..siriusly sme of my attitude is just like him..strted out imitating him..i chnge myself so i cn feel wat he felt n it's just a part of me rght i cnt really throw him away fr my thoughts...but hey..he made me strong..hanyya allah yg tau hw i felt..i did regret knowong tat guy n tot i shud go to boarding skul je dulu but i stay at tat skul...he chnge me...i will gve the whole world to him n stay true but wei....smapi bile...i'm still trying..n smetimes i do thnk of him a lot..miss him.......
Saturday, February 7, 2009
My teaching inspiration..
This is something quite academic but i want to share my point of view about the lecturer who inspires me..The lecturer taught me Language Learning Theories last semester(2008/2009). The reason that I chose him is because of his techniques when delivering his lectures. I think that everyone will agree with me that he is a nice person and understanding but he is one of the lecturers that gave me the shivers. It is a weird but I found myself trying to improve my grammar even more in his class and especially when I wanted to start a conversation with him, I will first rehearse my speech so that there will be no grammar mistakes. All of these anxieties are actually giving me the positive effects.
Some of the lecturers’ attitudes that I respected the most are his punctuality whether it is for his class attendance or assignments submission. I had to admit that I am not a very punctual person and had my marks deducted for late assignments submission. I learnt my lesson and still trying to be punctual and discipline in the future. Actually all of these characteristics can be found especially in all TESL lecturers. I found them to be more punctual and discipline and most of all give fair assessments which take records not only on our academic achievements but also our efforts too. These are few of the criteria which I noted from my observation of TESL lecturers in general and I hope that I can become a future educator with those qualities too.
He uses the communicative language teaching approach when he taught us. This is because besides conducting typical lectures where we just hear everything, he’ll get us involve with few class activities. In most of the lesson that he conducted, he will ask for our opinion on the topic that he taught for the day. In addition, he will also give comments whether we are on the right track or not. It is more to independent study because he told us that he will teach us how to fish so that we can fish for ourselves. He wanted us to think independently and not only spoon feed from the lectures. He encourages us to give out our opinion even if it does not agree with the theories that he taught. We have the freedom to give out our opinions. This is the best part that I love in his lesson because during school lesson, we are more trained to be exam oriented and we have to follow the schema to answer certain questions. I don’t get the opportunities to give my opinion on it and just follow or memorize the answers. I think this act is like narrowing our mind because students can’t express their opinion.
He uses several techniques when he teach us and we get some of the techniques and skills from him to be a good teacher. When we want to voice out our opinion in the class, he will move away from the student so that the student can throw out his/her voice so that everyone in the class can hear the opinion clearly. Other than that, when he comments on our opinion or our presentation, he did it in a good way so that even we did something wrong, he didn’t just straight away point it out which might lower ourselves esteem in an instance. This approach that he used motivates me to do better and sometimes I will do extra reading on some topics so that I can voice out my opinion and have some knowledge about the current language learning theories and also some of the pros and contras.
The way he assess us was very effective. We know our weaknesses and strengths so that we can improve ourselves. He also uses peer assessment when evaluate us because he wants everyone to contribute in a group project and I think this assessment is fair enough. He tells us how he assesses us so that we have a clear guide on how to get higher carrying marks. We know the criteria to get certain marks and grades from him. I like the way he comments on us after our presentation both individually and also as a whole group. This shows that he really gave attention to our effort because most of the time he will highlight our strengths and that is the reason I just can’t wait for the part where he commented us. I think most of my course mate will agree that this is the part where we waited the most. I really pay attention to all of his comments not only for me but also for my fellow course mate too. I note down some tips he gave us.
Overall, I am really satisfied with his teaching style and the only recommendation is that sometimes we get bored during the lesson especially the one which is during the evenings. He sometimes gave us long lectures because there are just too many inputs. He had to do it so that we can cover our topics and go on with our assignments to accomplish his subject. But that is just a small sacrifice that we had to make to get the best of his lesson and I really enjoy any lesson not only his where the lecturers gave us real life experiences as tips for our teaching guidance in the future.
sorry but i'm still in the process to brush up on my grammar. I hope that in the future i'll be able to write without any errors but in the mean time i'm concentrating on meaning..
please give me some feedback and i really appreciate any comments both positive and negative.I'll use it to improve myself.thank you..
Some of the lecturers’ attitudes that I respected the most are his punctuality whether it is for his class attendance or assignments submission. I had to admit that I am not a very punctual person and had my marks deducted for late assignments submission. I learnt my lesson and still trying to be punctual and discipline in the future. Actually all of these characteristics can be found especially in all TESL lecturers. I found them to be more punctual and discipline and most of all give fair assessments which take records not only on our academic achievements but also our efforts too. These are few of the criteria which I noted from my observation of TESL lecturers in general and I hope that I can become a future educator with those qualities too.
He uses the communicative language teaching approach when he taught us. This is because besides conducting typical lectures where we just hear everything, he’ll get us involve with few class activities. In most of the lesson that he conducted, he will ask for our opinion on the topic that he taught for the day. In addition, he will also give comments whether we are on the right track or not. It is more to independent study because he told us that he will teach us how to fish so that we can fish for ourselves. He wanted us to think independently and not only spoon feed from the lectures. He encourages us to give out our opinion even if it does not agree with the theories that he taught. We have the freedom to give out our opinions. This is the best part that I love in his lesson because during school lesson, we are more trained to be exam oriented and we have to follow the schema to answer certain questions. I don’t get the opportunities to give my opinion on it and just follow or memorize the answers. I think this act is like narrowing our mind because students can’t express their opinion.
He uses several techniques when he teach us and we get some of the techniques and skills from him to be a good teacher. When we want to voice out our opinion in the class, he will move away from the student so that the student can throw out his/her voice so that everyone in the class can hear the opinion clearly. Other than that, when he comments on our opinion or our presentation, he did it in a good way so that even we did something wrong, he didn’t just straight away point it out which might lower ourselves esteem in an instance. This approach that he used motivates me to do better and sometimes I will do extra reading on some topics so that I can voice out my opinion and have some knowledge about the current language learning theories and also some of the pros and contras.
The way he assess us was very effective. We know our weaknesses and strengths so that we can improve ourselves. He also uses peer assessment when evaluate us because he wants everyone to contribute in a group project and I think this assessment is fair enough. He tells us how he assesses us so that we have a clear guide on how to get higher carrying marks. We know the criteria to get certain marks and grades from him. I like the way he comments on us after our presentation both individually and also as a whole group. This shows that he really gave attention to our effort because most of the time he will highlight our strengths and that is the reason I just can’t wait for the part where he commented us. I think most of my course mate will agree that this is the part where we waited the most. I really pay attention to all of his comments not only for me but also for my fellow course mate too. I note down some tips he gave us.
Overall, I am really satisfied with his teaching style and the only recommendation is that sometimes we get bored during the lesson especially the one which is during the evenings. He sometimes gave us long lectures because there are just too many inputs. He had to do it so that we can cover our topics and go on with our assignments to accomplish his subject. But that is just a small sacrifice that we had to make to get the best of his lesson and I really enjoy any lesson not only his where the lecturers gave us real life experiences as tips for our teaching guidance in the future.
sorry but i'm still in the process to brush up on my grammar. I hope that in the future i'll be able to write without any errors but in the mean time i'm concentrating on meaning..
please give me some feedback and i really appreciate any comments both positive and negative.I'll use it to improve myself.thank you..
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