i'd just browse through my previous post..
hell yeah i trembled on my frst day..Abu noticed it..menyibuk je,...
i lied to him n said that i havent had my breakfst,..that fella ask me to hve lunch with him but i decline...mcm pak cik jer...he's one of my closest companion in that school n he distrbed me evrtyme he met me...
i like him a lot and pity him..i hit,pinch,shouted at him mre than any1 else..sape suruh nakal n usik cgu sgat...he smetymes offer me food..i thnk tat he's concern with my trembling cuz he owiz shout to me if we're far apart like..."cgu...cgu dah makan?"..aioy embarassing..sume org tgok sy....well2 all well ends well..
my stdnts improved their english drastically...it started out tat thy wnted to impress me n thy really crave fr my attention...it took a long tyme b4 thy develope to love english intrinsically...i owiz tell them the benefits..to top that up...i'll tell them i love them...thy really appreciate it..on the last day,i ntce that Abu cried...he was stnding outsde of the class..n i mmg mati akal..dunno what to do..so..i persuade him to take a pic with me...he was happy fr a while..pastu he cries n sit besides me...man..it was emotional...he gve excuse that his eyes is watery bcoz of refction...n it was dark outside...kids..hehehehe...thy r adorable...
im happy that many of my stdnts told me that i inspired them..i'm close to them tat their families knew me too....i miss thm badly n trying hard not to cry but i'm just human...ok guuuuuuuuuuys....meet u up next sem..this is an order..hehehehe..
ps:i cn imagen them saying...yes boss with their hands gving me a salute..tats what they did..hehehehehe...childish...