well..no offense.just my opinion but i might change my perspective one day.still in progress..
stupid2 relationship and love thingy got people stuck in its cob web.Just one reminder.make your choice wisely.i don't know why.but i kept making the wrong choices.so i'm just going to wait and don't give a damn bout it.many years i'd been thinking.Life was beautiful before i make the wrong choices.and i meant choices.huhuhu...one of the wrong choices are not choosing anyone..it's kinda dumb but life goes on.
another choices...and many2 more choices make me sick.
so i make a stupid decision to play dumb and avoid anyone..
it's time to open up and i guess i apologize a lot.maybe it's this gut feeling pulling the guilt string..
heck i don't know what to do..gotta admit that this is childish..
please...no more choices..
just give me one right path..no more obstacles.no more wrong choices.no more pain..
i had enough..
blank and blur as i might seem..i carry this burden all this while..it hurts and i want it to go away..Alhamdulillah I have my friends with me..
FRIENDSHIP is more precious than any other..
above all..Love to God and family is a priority..
LOVE a person because he'she reminds me of Allah..
then..all my pain will go away